These are the words of Hezekiah, who was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah and was king of Judah. At this time, Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, had invaded Judah and intended to wage war against Jerusalem. He and his army taunted God, likening him to pagan idols who were not able to protect other peoples from the power of the Assyrians. It looked bleak for the people of Judah as the Assyrians prepared to capture Jerusalem.
But Hezekiah feared the Lord and knew his God was more powerful than human forces. Together with the prophet Isaiah, he cried out in prayer to the Lord, and God sent an angel who swiftly struck down the entire Assyrian army. Ashamed, Sennacherib returned to his homeland to the temple of his god and was murdered by his own sons.
Moral of the story:
-There is none greater than our God
-God hears us when we pray
-God will not be mocked
We can learn from Hezekiah, who was confident that the Lord would deliver his people from the Assyrian threat. We, too, can have this confidence. While we may not always see justice in this lifetime, God is sovereign over every situation. He wants to fight our battles for us. Surrender your trial to Him, and He will be faithful to you. Allow him to use what you are going through to refine you. He tells us again and again to “cast our anxieties on Him, because he cares for [us]” (1 Peter 5:7). We can trust Him✝️♥️